We are getting closer to done with the Bonnie Bucket Bag! In this post, I have included some helpful tips when attaching the rounded bottom to the sides of your bag as well how to install purse feet to protect the bottom of your Bonnie Bucket Bag! Here we go…..
Stitch the two Main Exterior Panels right sides together along the sides leaving top and bottom open. Mark the bottom centers of each Main Exterior Panels by matching the side seams and folding the Main Exterior Panels in half. Keep your marks on the wrong side of the panels.

Layer the Bottom Panel parts and press the Stabilizer in between the woven interfacing and Basic Exterior Bottom Panel. Press the layers so the heavy stabilizer is in between and the fusible creates a fused edge around wrong side of the Bottom Panel. Mark the centers of each side of this panel.

If using purse feet on your Bonnie Bucket Bag, you will need to create a template. Measure a rectangle that is 2 inches smaller on the sides and 3 inches smaller on the ends from the Basic Exterior Bottom Panel.

Mark the corners of this template on the Bottom Panel with a small 1/8 inch X. Measure twice and mark once for this since you will be making your marks on the exterior of the fabric….but the marks will be covered by the purse feet if they are marked in the right place.

Match the center marks on your Bottom Panel and the center marks on your Main Exterior Panels and pin or clip the bottom to the Main Exterior. Use lots of pins or clips to keep the bottom secure so you can stitch without any puckers.

My tip for the next portion is to use your zipper foot to stitch the bottom panel to the main exterior. I first stitch to the right of my zipper foot using a basting stitch close to a ¼ inch seam allowance as I remove the clips and move around the bottom piece.

After I have basted around the bottom, I move my needle to the left of my zipper foot to stitch very close to the heavy stabilizer layer on the purse bottom. I use a 2.5 – 3 mm stitch length for this seam. This seam is close to the ½ inch seam allowance the pattern calls for.

Make your Handle and Handle Connectors according to the pattern directions.

Loop your Handle Connector through the O-ring or rectangle loop matching the raw ends. Using a zipper foot, stitch close to the rectangle loop through all layers of your Handle Connector to secure the connector and prevent shifting of the rectangle loops. Baste stitch the raw edges together. Stitch the Handle Connectors to the Main Exterior Panels at the side seam centers.

Because I am using purse feet on my Bonnie Bucket, I have cut an extra Bottom Stabilizer piece from Pellon Peltex Fusible Sabilizer (71F).

To install the purse feet you will need the extra Bottom Stabilizer piece from the Pellon Peltex Fusible (71F), some Fray Check or clear nail polish, 4 purse feet, and sharp point scissors or an awl.
First make a small slash at each of the markings you made with the Purse Feet Template. This slash should go through the Bottom Panel layers. Keep the slash to less than ¼ inch.

Place a small dot of Fray Check or clear nail polish on one slash; insert the prongs through all layers so the foot portion covers the markings. I recommend working with the Fray Check or nail polish one foot at a time so it doesn’t dry the slash closed before you can insert the purse feet prongs.

On the wrong side of the Bottom Panel, separate the prongs and push tightly against the Bottom Panel to create a snug fit for the purse foot. Repeat for the other three purse feet.

After you have installed all purse feet, insert the extra Bottom Stabilizer piece into the wrong side of the bag. With the fusible side to the wrong side of the Bottom Panel, use a hot iron to press the stabilizer and fuse it to the Bottom Panel, covering the prongs of the purse feet. Use a piece of cloth between the iron and stabilizer to prevent scorching.

The outside of your Bonnie Bucket Bag is now complete.
The last steps to completing your bag will follow soon! Don’t forget to tag your photos as you make progress with your Bonnie Bucket Bag. Use #oahmqg #omqgBonnieBucket and #omqgsewalong and tag the guild with @oahumqg!! I look forward to seeing everyone’s Sew Along progress!!